'Thomas Stephens' by John Spurling

bitter end


Bartlow Road

Castle Camps


CB21 4SX

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Email: alan@shanty.co.uk

Shanty and Maritime Related Festivals & Events 2012
January - June

(Please advise any alterations, additions or deletions to alan@shanty.co.uk)

[Jan] [Feb] [Mar] [Apr] [May] [Jun]


January 21st

GOOLE (U.K.) The Yorkshire Waterways Museum.
This is sited on the Dutch River Side, Goole, East Yorkshire, DN14 5TB.
A Shanty UK Gathering will take place from 5 till 10.30pm.
Singers, musicians and listeners are welcome. Food & Drink will be on sale in the cafe.
Limited caravan & campervan space is available.
For further details, contact Mick McGarry, tel: +44(0)1482 446617 or email: mick@punchthehorse.karoo.co.uk
A voluntary donation to the museum from the non-singers/musicians/audience would be appreciated.


February 8th

An evening of shanties is being held at 'The Royal Oak,' Main Street, Kirby Muxloe, LE9 2AN from 19.30 hrs.
Tickets are £5 and all of the proceeds are going to the Leicester Branch of the R.N.L.I. who are collecting for an Atlantic 85.
For full information and to book tickets, email Tom Hailstone at: tomandnorma1@gmail.com

February 24th-26th

ENKHUIZEN (Netherlands) “DEUNEN EN DEINEN 2012".
Artistes appearing include from France: O'Conan Quartet, Les Souillés de Fond de Cale, Trio Denain; from the UK: Trim Rig & a Doxy; from Holland: Pekel, Onstuimig Schuim, Armstrong's Patent, Stowaway, Kapriol, Paddy's Passion, Orkest voor Zieken en Zeevarenden, Seyl en Treyl, B&A Express and Enkhuizen 3+1.
For further details, contact Zeegers & Inez Postma, tel: 0031 (0)228 315786 or 0031 (0)6 21875090 or email z.postma@quicknet.nl

February 25th

CHICAGO (U.S.A.) "The Chicago Maritime Festival 2012." An International Gathering to celebrate Chicago's Maritime Community at the Chicago History Museum (Clark Street at North Avenue).
Performers include: Serre l'Ecoue, Tom Lewis, Calico Jack, Jerry Bryant, Tom & Chris Kastle, Lanialotia Lee and Bounding Main.
For further details, visit: www.chicagomaritimefestival.org



April 6-8th

For full information, visit: www.shanty.org.uk



June 1st - 3rd

LANGESUND (Norway) "Langesund Shanty Festival."
For full details, visit: www.shantyfestival.com

June 7th - 10th

MYSTIC SEAPORT (U.S.A) The Museum of America & the Sea. "33rd Sea Music Festival."
For full details, visit: Mystic Seaport

June 15th -17th

BALLYDEHOB, WEST CORK (Eire) "The Fastnet Maritime and Folk Fest."
The Festival features sea songs, shanties, dance and craft displays,workshops, sea songwriting competition, busking, music in the pubs and main stage on Ballydehob pier.
For full details, visit: https://sites.google.com/site/thefastnetmaritimeandfolkfest/

June 15th -17th

ROSSES POINT, SLIGO (Eire) "Rosses Point Shanty & Seafaring Festival."
For full details, visit: www.rossespointshanty.com

June 15th - 17th

FALMOUTH (U.K.) "Falmouth Shout."
For full details, visit: www.falmouthshout.com

This List was last updated on 5th June 2012

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Any queries, or information of new festivals contact Alan Hardy on alan@shanty.co.uk

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