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Shanty and Maritime Related Festivals & Events 2011
July - December

(Any alterations, additions or deletions, please contact Alan Hardy at alan@shanty.co.uk)

[Jul] [Aug] [Sep] [Oct] [Nov] [Dec]


July 15-17th

This with be the 12th festival.
A host of musicians from around the UK and abroad will congregate at Scarborough's West Pier to bring their joy of sea and folk music to the annual Seafest. The Music element of the festival has long been a popular part of the event.
This year there is a slight change to proceedings in that Concerts and Events at West Pier and Sea Cadets Hall are ticketed. The cost of tickets though is not prohibitive as Artistic Director and Folk Musician Richard Grainger says 'The tickets are very competitively priced, are audience friendly and in no way reflect the high quality of the artists'.
West Pier Concerts this year feature Australian Folk - Rocker Rebecca Moore, World Music Duo Celtarabia and Richard Grainger along with his Steel River Band. There'll also be a more traditional sounds of the sea with Shanty Groups Monkeys Fist, Men Of Staithes and The Endeavour Shantymen.
Folk Musicians of note will also appear including Tom & Barbara Brown from Devon and Dick Miles who is making a special visit to the festival from his home in Ireland.
For the complete guest list and to buy tickets go to SCARBOROUGH SEAFEST 2011.
All this and the Song for the Sea Competition,Craft and Market Stalls, Facepainting, Croptons Real Ale Bar, Music in Quayside Pubs and a fabulous fireworks display.......... adds up to a fantastic weekend......

July 22nd-24th

HULL (UK). Hull Sea Shanty Festival
The Festival is to take place at 3 venues on the Hull Waterfront: Fruitspace, Minerva and Ruscador’s.
It will obviously be on a somewhat smaller scale than the original “Sea Fever” festival, but it will be a quality event that will help to keep “Shantying” and maritime traditions alive in the City of Hull.
The new event is the result of an initiative by the licensees of the “Minerva” and “Ruscador’s” pubs on the Hull Waterfront.

For details of artistes etc, visit: HULL SHANTY FESTIVAL 2011

July 31st

ROBIN HOOD's BAY (U.K.). 'SALTWATER SONGS' - A Concert of Folk Music in Celebration of the Sea, Fishing and its Musical Heritage at Old St. Stephen's Church , Fylingdales, at 2pm.
This is organised by the Churches Conservation Trust and Seafest Music Festival and will feature RICHARD GRAINGER - MEN OF STAITHES - STEVE DAWES & HELEN PITT - STORMCROW. Tickets available on line from www.festivalonthemoor.co.uk or reservable via email moorfolk@googlemail.com. Ticket Enquiries & Information Phone 01287 660060.
Some of the unique artists who help continue the tradition of maritime music along the Yorkshire Coast - together in concert!


August 5th-7th

BREMEN VEGESACK (GERMANY). 'Festival Musik Maritim 2011.'
Bremen-Vegesack lies on the River Weser and has a great maritime tradition: the first ever artificial port was created in Vegesack. The place was the port of registry for many whalers and was home to the biggest herring fleet in Northern Europe. The Captain houses, shipyards and maritime trade & industry give character to this northern district of Bremen. The maritime inheritance is still alive and during the festival weekend the riverside echoes to the sounds of sea songs and shanties from bands from all over Europe.
For more information, visit: www.festival-maritim.de

August 12th-14th

PAIMPOL (Brittany). "Festival de Chants de Marin.

August 13th-14th

ENKHUIZEN (NETHERLANDS). International Shanty & Sea Song Festival in the Zuiderzeemuseum.
Artistes appearing include: Kimber's Men and Monkey's Orphan from the UK, Gaye & Trish from Scotland, Marée de Paradis (Denain Trio) de Normandy, Reederij Overtuygt, Stowaway, de Flagellanten and Dulle Griet from Holland.
For further information, email: Zeegers Postma at z.postma@quicknet.nl

August 13th-14th

SWANSEA (U.K.). "Sea Swansea Festival 2011. It had been hoped to hold this festival, but it has been cancelled. The Council advise that it may return in 2012 on a bi-annual basis.

August 25th

ENKHUIZEN (Netherlands). At the Hotel Die Port Van Cleve, Dijk, "HOOLIE" from the USA and "Mâles de Mer" from Belgium will perform from 15.00 hrs.
For more information, contact:
Hans and Wanda Weehuizen, Phone: 00.31.228-314903/00.31.653-148764 or email: hweehuizen@freeler.nl

August 26th-28th

APPINGEDAM (NETHERLANDS). International Shanty Festival 'Bie Daip 2011'.
Artistes appearing: Act of Mutiny, Armstrong's Patent, De Kaapstander, Enkhuizen 4+1, Lopster Stormvogels, Opwierde II, Paddy's Passion, Pekel, Reedery Overtuygt, Rumor di Mare, Seyl & Treyl, Shantycrew Buitenboord (Netherlands) Baggyrinkle (Wales), Bounding Main, Hoolie (USA), Breitling, Shantychor Aurich (Germany), Cztery Refy, Indygo, Sasiedzi (Poland), Fish & Ships, Slogmakane (Norway), Four'n'Aft, Paddy Westers, Richard Grainger & Steel River Band, The Young'uns (England), Gaye & Trish (Scotland), Les Souillesde fond de Cale (Brittany) and Males de Mer (Belgium).
For further information, email: Hero & Janneke Woldhuis at janneke.woldhuis@home.nl or visit: http://www.biedaip.nl


September 10th/11th

GREAT YARMOUTH (U.K.). "Great Yarmouth Maritime Festival." Shanties and Sailing craft.
For further details, visit: www.great-yarmouth.co.uk/maritime-festival


October 7th/9th

HARWICH (U.K.). "The 6th Harwich Shanty Festival."
A full weekend of Shanties & Songs of the Sea in the historic seaport of Harwich.
Artistes include Jim Mageean, Graeme Knights, Tom & Barbara Brown, Czery Refy (Poland), La Bouline (France), Paul Sirman, Der Shantychor Langballigau, Charlotte & Spong, Golden Rivets, Hunt the Wren, Naze Shanty Crew, Pete Stockwell, Malcolm Ward, Magic Lantern Show, Harwich Shanty Crew and Shadows in the Shade.
For further details, contact Jon or Pam on +44(0)1255 674889, 07921 640 772, email: info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk or visit: www.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk

October 14th/17th

WORKUM (NETHERLANDS). "Strontrace International Shanty Festival." Shanties and Sailing craft. Long established event.
For further details, visit: http://www.liereliet.nl/index.htm


November 5th

MEDEMBLIK (NETHERLANDS). Compagniezangers are organising a Shanty and Folk Festival.
Artistes appearing include Compagniezangers and Lutine from Medemblik, Voor de mast, Katwijk, Sjappetouwtjes Enkhuizen, Scheepsfolk, Den Helder, Paddy’s Passion, Harderwijk, Armstrongs’ Patent, Appingedam and the folkband Unicorn, Hoorn.
For further information, contact Theun de Jong at: heleenentheun@hetnet.nl


This List was last updated on 29th September 2011

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Any queries, or information of new festivals contact Alan Hardy at alan@shanty.co.uk

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