"Before the First World War, Mr Granhert was a wholesale tobacconist living
in London who had 'The Limes' in Church Lane as a country home. A Mr & Mrs
Charles Wenham lived in the house as caretakers. The out buildings consisted of
a harness room, coach house and stable for two ponies and also a skittle
alley, all of which are there today. He went to the races at Newmarket with
his friends he brought with him from London. Also, he used the skittle alley
to play against local gentlemen:
Mr J. Chapman, Pond Farm
I remember the late Mr Fred Chapman saying that as a boy, he used to roll
back the skittles for 2/6d (12.5p) a night and the whisky they drank was 7/-
(35p) a gallon. This was 1906-10. The scores were still shewing in chalk
when I moved from 'The Limes' in 1965. In the summertime, they played
bowls. The outbuildings which were good were built by a Mr A. Wells who lived
in the little house opposite the school (now demolished), who was a carpenter
and undertaker. Mr Granhert was either interned or died during the First
World War."
The notes above were written by the late Mr Phil Haylock, who lived at The
Limes before the current owners- Mr & Mrs J. Rixon.
The cup is in the possession of Mrs Mary Nordern and we are grateful to her
for sight of the above notes and permission to photograph the cup outside the old skittle
alley building, now much altered. This List was last updated on
19th March 2001. The number of
people who've looked at this page so far is:
Mr Lukies, School Master
Mr John Smith, Hill Farm
Mr F. Brown, Farmer - Mill Green
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